Test test..... *clears throat* Where's my frappachino! I asked for a fucking frappachino! heheh
Alright so i thought i would finally try my hand at the art of blogging. Don't wanna miss out on all the fun now do i. Hopefully, ill be able to keep this up seeing as how i usually am non-commital and very lazy. I'm sure many will attest to that. In my first couple posts, i might just do an introduction into my life, who i am, who and what is important in my life...etc. But, the driving catalyst for this blog focuses on the machining marvel of mankind known as
CARS! This is going to be an outlet for me and my friends to discuss, learn about, showcase and simply ogle over these sexy machines. American, German, Japanese, Alien, you name it, we've got it! So let the fun times begin and I promise to keep this as fun as possible!
Rhinoboy said...
thank you introvert observer...having a bit of a hard time but ill manage!

Ben said...
Haha a car blog heh? Good good..will be tuning in soon lah hahahaha....