So i think i finally managed to convince all the people i need to convince to get my interior light switch done. Generally it is going to look like this...almost all red. However, the gauges are gonna be sort of a white and red and look more like an audi interior. Hopefully all goes well

i was actually contemplating white for a while but i wasn't sure how it would turn out to be honest. So i just decided to go with the conventional all red switches. It is going to be a rush to get these all taken outta my car and out the door but i guess ill jus have to hope everythin goes well.

another modification i am adding to the car are these in pro R32 projector lights. These come retrofitted with HIDs off an Audi A6. It came at a pretty good price with me trading my MK4 looks so i decided to go ahead with the trade even though personally i prefer MK4 looks better. But with HIDs must come projectors.....an explanation is found below.

As you can see, the wiring looks a little shoddy so i definitely am going to clean it up and make sure i have everything the way i want it. Plus it gives me a chance to properly wire the lights because i never really took the time to before...also, i am now going to make sure i spend some time adjusting the lights properly so that i don't jus shine aimlessly and blind other drivers. As a sidenote, to those thinking of getting HID kits. Retrofitting is by law illegal....unless there is a variant of the model of your car that comes out of the factory with HIDs preinstalled. Surprisingly, even though these bulbs run waaaay hotter than normal bulbs, they actually draw less current from the battery and hence are more efficient. That is due to the ballast that act as amplifiers...almost like capacitors if you will. And most importantly, without projectors, your HIDs are jus really really bright normal lights. Projectors help focus the light and provide light to where it is really needed. Can't wait to get these puppies installed when i get back here from singapore!