Here is my extremely dirty engine bay. Nothing special. Neuspeed P flo intake, Neuspeed plug wires, NHK spark plugs neuspeed strut bar. looks very plain and boring but as soon as summer comes, that will all change!

This polished valve cover is going to go on the car

And so is this polished intake manifold....courtesy of a guy i met on the vortex. The installation will all be done whilst the front end of the car is out this summer. The reason is because i have to change my timing chains before they snap on me and make me a very unhappy camper. I'm quite a few miles overdue so ive tried not to run the car so hard. which reminds me that i need to do an oil change soon too...i wish i had time

This is a euro spec front bumper lip. It is about an inch and a half longer/wider than the stock one and goes on easily with minor modification to the bumper. Definitely makes the car look like its dumped lower than it really is. In the vw world, everyone loves euro parts. Makes sense right? a euro car would look better with euro stuff....well the europeans themselves think some of the features on the american( actually mexican) made VWs are real nice... for example, american cars have cupholders in the center console...alot of the pple here go to great lengths to get the euro consoles without the cup holders and vice versa... anyway this is all i really have to say bout my car. Future mods im planning are really minor...hoping to change the gauge faces and interior light swap from green to red and white to look more like the audi interior...also planning on painting the brake calipers red. But again that is gonna happen only over the summer. Next up would be a feature of another vw...the corrado that bryan owned. Bryan has since moved back to singapore and had his dad buy him a Mk4 gti 1.8T which apparantly is pretty sweet...i have yet to see it or hear anything from the horses mouth so maybe i should soon. If anyone of you (aka...my buddies) would be willing to send me some pics and a spec/mod list of what you have done to your car...it would be my pleasure to post it up and show it for all to see.. OH!!! before i leave america, i HAVE to get a pic of my car in eurotuner...thats my new goal...so once all my mods are done, im gonna take a real nice picture and hope i see it in the magazine soon! *cross fingers*