So I know I haven't been the best about updating and everything. But I just had to share my joy with everyone who cares the least bit. This is the October issue of eurotuner.... kick ass tuner magazine for dubs (short for VWs...VeeDubyews...Dubs) and euro cars in general

And this is my car!!!! I can't believe I made it in there! I drove all the way down to the mall just to get not 1 but 2 copies of this baby cos my subscription just happened to run out. 1 for reading, and one for keeping and maybe framing? I was so glad i bothered to make the trip all the way there cos few stores around actually carry it. I'm psyched that they picked my car to be in it and on top of that, look at all the other cars on the same page! They're specs are like waaay outta my league. There are two aspects when it comes to cars, either 'show' or 'go'. Trust me, everyone of those other cars on this page are in the 'go' category and can beat my car up in a snap. At least they didn't ignore the 'show' category eh? Oh and for those who think big deal?! The pictures are hand picked by the editors of the magazine and besides, how many of YOU can say that you have a pic of your car in a publication circulated worldwide! HUH HUH HUH! Go check it out at your nearest mama shop!
While reading this I was reminded of
lexus rx you should stop by.

Rhinoboy said...
Very interesting site! This is the first time i've heard of it really. Will stop back by and check it out when i have the time. I frequent vwvortex.com which is a well established VW site.

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