As per request, and cos i feel guilty, here is the final post of the year barring another inspirational day. Here is the front lip of my car, better looking but definitely painful when i try going up the slope

Another picture of it from the front with my angel eyes on

This is my last day with my car...snowing and wet and everything! It was a sad day but I was also relieved to sell her at the time i did because she was starting to sloooowwwly break down and I wasnt able to take the time or the money to baby her anymore. I said my last goodbyes on the way to meeting the buyer and maybe it was just me but she was acting cranky that day. Trying to sputter and break down on me. hehe. had to keep the revs above 1k rpm just so she wouldnt break down.

So for the end of the year, here's wishing everybody who bothers to still read this blog a merry christmas and a happy new year! I hope my car (mya) is doing well and time to move on to bigger and better things!