Car & Driver
New Cars
This is the exact reason why i think that Singaporeans are leaning towards continental cars and away from excellent Japanese technology. I present to you Specimen A from Germany...... "Lets hear it for the competitor all the way from frigid Germany BEEEEEMMMMMDOUBLEYUUU ZEE4 M Coupeeeeeeee!"

This baby produces 338 hp and goes from a standstill to 60 mph under 5 seconds!!!! Here's what car and driver said bout this car
"BMW pegs the Z4 M Coupe's weight at 3104 lbs, which is 150 lbs heavier than the 295-hp Porsche Cayman S. If you're counting, that makes the Z4 M Coupe's power-to-weight ratio 8 percent better than the Porsche's. Enthusiasts have complained bitterly about all the technology-for-technology's-sake in recent BMW cars, and somebody at the M division is listening: Like the Z4 M Roadster, the Z4 M Coupe comes with a conventional 6-speed manual transmission, conventional hydraulically assisted steering, and conventional springs and shocks. This is like missionary sex with Jessica Simpson — no bad thing. The Z4 M Coupe will cost approximately $50,000, and for around $10,000 less, there will also be a non-M Z4 coupe with a 255-hp inline-six. "

Finally a car that is sexy, up to date, stylish and on top of that...true blue MANUAL!!!! None of that tiptronic shit andback to how cars are supposed to be made. I so wish to see this car in person and it is definitely rivalling one of my favourite cars out there now...the 6 series.
*Crowd roars in approval*
"Aaaaaanddd heree is our second competitor hailing from the land of the rising sunnnnn The one...the only HOOONNDA CIVIC TYPE-RRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!"

*Crowd is stunned and whispers unapprovingly*
This 07 version of the ever popular civic type R is undoubtedly one of the uuuuugliest things that japanese engineers could have conceived to ship out under the branding of Honda. What were they thinking!?! Not only have they not improved on the already impressive 2.0 197 hp i-VTEC N/A engine, they have completely revamped the hatchback to look like a gigantic SMART car!
The conclusion....although this wasnt exactly comparing apples against apples, I think i get my point across that Japanese styling is simpling and utterly hurting them in competition with the europeans even though the powerplants that the japanese produce are just remarkable. Definitely need some stepping up in my book....
Pics of the new whip

New addition to the family!!

thats all for now!
Groooooody Fingers
Polishing a car can seem exciting and meaningful when you are psyched up and all. But after 5 hours you just wanna smash the car with every ounce of strength that can be mustered. I decided to wash the cars we had over the weekend since I really had nothing to usual. So i trooped down to the carpark with my arsenal of buckets, cloths and car cleaning tools all revved up and ready to go. Even discovered a perfect place to tuck the cars into the shade and pull out a hose and wash the cars. First up was my mom's car...a 92 E36 BMW of the very few still around town. This workhorse has been faithful to the family but obviously no one appreciates it that much treating it like a dumping ground for shoes, knick knacks and tennis gear. The interior has been reworked 3 or 4 times but it still keeps coming out. But we love the little thing and it's going to be here for another 14 more years. My mom has always wanted a CD player in the car since the only thing she can listen to it right now is FM radio since the tape player doesnt even work. My dad's reasoning is that everything can be serviced. He would rather spend $200 servicing a 10 year old part than buying a new one for $300. Now since the previous owner of the Z4 is generous enough to give us the stock radio from the car on top of the stellar Blaupunkt Woodstock radio, I've decided to swap the stock radio into my mom's car and give her a 'new' radio. The paint on the car was absolutely a chore to deal with. Waxing took me a good hour and a half and cleaning took me another 45 minutes. I was aching to the bone by the time i got done wit her. Alas, even afer waxing the car still didn't feel like it was waxed. Definitely bcos of the years of negligence. Next came the pride and joy of the fleet....the 02' 2.2L BMW Z3. I LOVE washing this car since its so small and the hose can reach every nook and cranny of the car. The paint is as good as it was from the factory albeit some minor paint spots and water flows right off of the body leaving little to dry. The drop top has its blemishes but that will be taken care of when we next bring it back to Performance Motors to have it serviced. After waxing with the new orbital polisher i bought from handifix and a good vacuum...also bought from handifix. The car was gorgeous. I had to go out and buy tyre shine since that has always been my favourite part of cleaning the car. Nothing makes a car look newer than shiny bling bling tyres. 5 hours later...and countless stares from neighbours who had passed me many times through the day...i trooped back up to my humble abode and vegetated on my couch whilst my dirty exhausted body recouped. Today it was my dad's car's turn to get the treatment although not entirely. The orbital polisher's wax applicator pad was still soaked in a bucket of water so polishing that behemoth of a car was outta the question after yesterday's work out. Rita came along and made the process a whole lot faster. Although she did have a Jessica Simpson moment with the vacuum cleaner... putting the hose into the intake of the centrifugal fan as opposed to the intake of the vacuum. The fleet are nice and shiny.....besides the application of leather polish. But what the can wait a week or so.
I wanna car too!
Flashback two weeks The location: Marina Square carpark. The vehicle in question: Ben's Honda Integra Type-R. The conclusion: 150kmh from one traffic light to the next with me behind the wheel grinning from ear to ear.
That car is FAST! Although it has the same 2.0 L 240hp engine as the Honda S2000, somehow i think this car is faster than that. After my joy ride a.k.a ben's nightmare came to and end, i was envious of him having such a nice car.
BUT NOW I HAVE MY OWN! ahahahhahahaah. eeehhh not quite.
You see my dad has been wanting a convertible ever since he had to get rid of his RX-7 back in the late eighties when his kids grew up and literally grew outta the back seat. The search had gone on for more than a year now with pitstops with a mx-5 through which my dad forfeited his $400 deposit after deciding that he acted on impulse and countless other Z3 and Z4s. But we finally got a silver 02' BMW Z3 2.2L beauty! Of course I would have definitely loved having a Manual 3.0 L 5.9sec beast but this will do just fine for getting the chicks.
I can't quite call it mine because I'm not the one paying for it. Not with a $400 NS pay at least. Rita is going to get to enjoy the car the most driving it to work and back whilst working for my father but she is also forking out the money to pay for the car. But come October when my elder sister Tira gets back and starts work at whichever hospital, the car is all hers and so are the payments. That leaves little old NS man me. My only hope is to keep topping up the cash card, buying carpark coupons and washing the car in the hopes of getting to even smell it.
The car is such a fun thing to drive! Figuring out how to eliminate beeps coming from the high tech DAB radio was a challenge but after that was figured out, the car is a real pleasure to get into. I just wanna drive the damn thing all over singapore just so i could be in it. The car hugs the road through turns and the tiptronic is definitely alot more fun than driving it auto. The rims and tyres are my favourite part of the car but the roar of the engine and the wind through your hair while the awesome sound system thumps R&B continuously is an experience like no other! And to think that I will get to have this toy sitting there waiting for me to drive it week in week out....well almost. But anyway.... YAYYYYY!
YAY!!! Actually the Basic Theory is quite a joke la....was stressing out beforehand cos i hadn't read the book very thoroughly but what can i talented. I love driving tests cos they make me feel smart. Saw a Taoist (i think?) lady monk who was taking the test and I'm not sure what she would need a driving license for but hey I dunno. She ended up standing behind me in line to get her license too and was happily burping away into the back of my head. And I'm not talking bout muted burps. It was the gross kinda coffee shop uncle let one rip burps. Anyhooos.... here I am standing in line with all my documentation ready and I realise I brought my new passport and not the old passport which contained my visa to the states and didn't bring along with me my transcript...sooo i had no way of proving to them i stayed in the states for more than 6 months. Naturally i was turned away.
Next day i stand in line again and i realise i accidentily returned my sisters nets card to her when i needed it to pay for my license. Good thing my dad filled his cashcard with just enough money for me to pay or I would have been PISSED! Now i have a piece of paper until i get the card in and then I have no worries of getting stopped by a cop.
I have my license now...alls i need is a car!